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Other necessery things

In some commands can use {} for enumerate some information.
For example: cp /etc/fstab{,.orig} will create a copy of fstab named fstab.orig

Open a new virtual terminal - Alt+Ctrl+F{1..3}

Easy way to create backup file is a: cp .\file{,.bkp}

$? - show exit code for last ran program.

For use clipboard in vim accross the terminals, consider to install vim-gtk package, or use set:clipboard=unnamed options in .vimrc or specified file

. $FILE_NAME run commands from file. Can be usefull to reread .bashrc

For debian based systems, if PC have enabled Secure Boot, use intermediary bootloader called shim.

For debian based systems aptitude it's like Synaptic but with CLI.

.deb file it's just archive file, contain all files for the programm from the .deb package: binaries, libraries, pre/post install scripts, man pages and description of dependencies. because .deb file = archive, it can be open with any archive handle programs: tar, gz, bzip and so on

meta-package - the type of a package which contain only meta files describe dependencies and not contain another files. When meta-package

Для работы с rar есть unrar и unrar-free. Для debian живет в репозитории non-free