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Number of running processes in system is limited. For x32 ~ 32k, x64 ~ 4kk.

Below describes 2 most popular utilities for working with processes in Linux - ps and top.


ps - display running processes. ps itself always be in this list of processes, cause ps do screenshot of ddr and show it result.

  • ps -e - show all processes from all users

  • ps -f - verbose information about process (add PPID, C, STIME, TTY columns)

  • ps #### - process PID - show information about certain process with this PID

Columns which ps displayed:

  • UID - userid - user which ran the proccess

  • PID - process id - uniq number of the each process. After procces will be end, this number will be free and can be assigned to another proccess.

  • PPID - parent id - number of the parrent process which "borned" current proccess

  • C - process priority

  • STIME - startup time of process

  • TTY - the terminal that the process associated with.

  • ? - usually process started by system and not use GUI

  • tty1/tty2 - processes with GUI

  • pts/0, pts/1 - processes running in emulator of the terminal

  • TIME - CPU time

  • CMD - command whitch ran the process


top - interactive display linux processes.

Description of the rows and columns which it displayed:


  1. Current time
  2. Uptime
  3. Number of active sessions
  4. System load average from 1, 5 and 15 minutes


  1. Number of all runing processes
  2. Number of active processes
  3. Number of sleeping processes
  4. Number of stopped processes
  5. Number of zombie processes


info about CPU utilization:

us - user CPU time - percent of time spent for user space. User space - all programs except the kernel

sy - percent of time spent to kernel space

ni - percent of time spent to processes with low priority (set up with nice utility)

id - idle time

wa - input output wait

hi -hardware interrupts

si - software interrupts

st - steal time. Show how long real CPU has been unavailable for virtual machine


info about DDR (all values with Mebi- prefix).


In Linux, free DDR space OS use for disk cache.

total - total DDR

free - free DDR

used - used DDR

buff/cache - DDR used for cache

swap - value of disk swap


PID - process PID

USER - process owner

PR - current priority (rt is real time)

NI - niceness of the proccess

VIRT - total amount of memory using of process (iclude all memory program code, shared libraries, memory pages unloaded to the disk. In most cases - this indicator useless)

RES - resident set size memory - it's area which not unloaded to disk and located in DDR

SHR - memory which can be shared with another processes

S - status of the process (S - sleep, R - running, I - idle core thread, Z - zombie)

%CPU - CPU utilization in percent. By default shows by the core, not for all CPU

%MEM - DDR utilization in percent: RES/total

TIME+ - how long CPU works with the process


nice run a program with modified sheduling priority.

niceness values range from -20 (most favorable to the process) to 19 (leas favorable to the process)

nice -n 5 firefox - run firefox with desired priority equal 5

renice - change niceness for running programm