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Some useful files and directories

PATH Description
/etc/*releases store scpecific information about distributive
/etc/passwd info about users registred in the system
/etc/shadow shadowed password file
/etc/group info about groups registred in the system
/etc/update-motd.d/ MOTD files
/etc/sudoers default sudo security policy plugin
/etc/security/limits.conf sets recource limits for the users
/etc/security/limits.d/ the same as the previous but override it
/etc/default/default default information for useradd command
/etc/fstab static information about the filesystems
/etc/login.defs another default information for useradd command
/etc/skel/ template directory which contains the files which will be copied to user home directory
/etc/mdadm.conf store information about RAID devices
/etc/modules-load.d/$MODULENAME.conf modules in that file are automaticly load when OS will be start
/etc/modprobe.d/$MODULENAME.conf modules in that file are not load or load with special parameters
/etc/mke2fs.conf default settings for file systems. Inodes and blocks size and so on
/dev/mapper store files to work with Device mapper. It's a kernel module (framework) use to map physical block devices to virtual hign level block devices.
/lib/modules/ all available kernel modules
/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ modules for current kernel
/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.alias list of modules to be load to the kernel
/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.builtin/ list of modules which built in kernel. In the 2nd column listed hardware id, in the last column listed modules required for this hardware id
/proc/version info about kernel version
/proc/uptime info about how long the system has been running
/proc/$PID/cmdline info about command which ran the $PID process
/proc/$PID/cmdline info about environment variables which were transferd to the $PID proccess
/proc/$PID/status some information about $PID
/proc/cpuinfo info about CPU
/proc/meminfo info about DDR
/proc/sys/kernel/pid_max max number of running processes
/var/log/secure sudo logs
/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/ udev rules